QAFlow - Report

Quick Start

Get started with QAFlow Reporter in minutes

Quick Start

Get up and running with QAFlow Reporter in just a few minutes. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to integrate QAFlow Reporter into your testing workflow.

1. Install the Package

First, install the QAFlow Reporter package using your preferred package manager:

npm install @qaflow/report
# or
yarn add @qaflow/report
# or
pnpm add @qaflow/report

2. Create a Configuration File

The simplest way to set up QAFlow Reporter is to create a configuration file with your API key:

npx @qaflow/report init

This interactive command will ask for your API key and create a reporter.config.js file. Alternatively, you can specify your API key directly:

npx @qaflow/report init --key=your-api-key-here

3. Basic Usage Example

Here's a simple example to get you started:

// Import the reporter
import reporter from "@qaflow/report";
// Create a test
  "Login Test",
  "Testing the login functionality of our application",
  { author: "QA Tester", email: "" },
  { name: "Chrome", version: "118.0.0", os: "macOS", browser: "Chrome" }
// Add test steps
await reporter.step("Navigate to login page", () => {
  // Step implementation
await reporter.step("Enter username", () => {
  // Username entry logic
await reporter.step("Enter password", () => {
  // Password entry logic
await reporter.step("Click login button", () => {
  // Login button click logic
// End the test and get results
const results = await reporter.end();
console.log(`Total steps: ${}`);
console.log(`Passed steps: ${results.summary.passed}`);
console.log(`Failed steps: ${results.summary.failed}`);
console.log(`Skipped steps: ${results.summary.skipped}`);

4. View Your Results

After running your tests, the results will be available in your QAFlow dashboard. You can view detailed information about each test, including:

  • Test status (passed, failed, skipped)
  • Individual step results
  • Error details for failed steps
  • Test duration and timestamps
  • Environment information

Next Steps

Now that you have QAFlow Reporter set up, check out these resources to learn more:

  • Basic Usage - Learn about the core functionality
  • Installation - Detailed installation instructions
  • Examples - See how to integrate with different testing frameworks

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